Our team of engineers and builders has extensive experience in the oil and gas, metallurgical, chemical, and related industries.
Learn more about usWe guarantee high-quality work, even with limited time frames.
We provide a long-term guarantee for the work performed.
We have all the necessary permits to conduct professional activities.
Our licensesOwn production facilities, mechanisms, and equipment.
Modernization of the Plant of Liquid Extraction and Electrolysis, Oxide Ores, and Infrastructure of the Aktogay Deposit in Terms of Extending the Raffinate Pumping Station for Bio-Leaching
Construction of the Main Ventilation Unit of the Shaft of the Yuzhnaya Mine of the Oryol Mine of the Oryol Production Complex of Vostoktsvetmet LLP
Construction of a General Education School for 1,200 Seats in Semey, Abai Region